1. Language
- Variety of grammar /Uses structures learned in class (grammar and structure)/ Try to use the grammar structures we’ve been learning
- Introduces new kanji/ appropriate use of kanji
- Minimal use of English/Use Japanese
- Use of conjunctions
2. Content
- Clear topic per entry
- Entertaining (images, etc)/Having pictures is nice/Multimedia - pictures, video, music, etc.
- Writing about something people would find interesting
- Write about whatever you think is interesting
- Variety of topics
- Length of posts (not too long, not too short)/Volume of posting
- Relevant content (striking a balance between what we're learning in class and our own ideas)
- Avoiding overemphasis of Japanese culture (?)
3. Layout
- Easy on the eyes (no wild colors that are difficult to read)
- Good formatting. Make it easier to read. Nice Paragraph spacing
- Labeling Blog Posts for the specific function they serve
4. Communication/Consideration
- Make comments/Leave comments and respond to comments/Blogger should reply to comments/ Responding back to comments
- Consideration of the audience
- Leave the meaning for kanji other people may not know (Have a key for difficult words)
5. Frequency
- Posting regularly/ frequency of posting
- bi-weekly posts (once every 2 weeks)
6. Other
- Pictures of good food